Books explore naughty side of literary heroines

Last week, I wrote about teen fantasy’s tendency to transform folkloric monsters into male love interests — usually to offer female protagonists a taste of immortality. Twilight, Wicked Lovely and even Aimee Carter’s The Goddess Test series hybridize their romantic heroes with more villainous qualities, making their characters appealing because of their dual natures. But […]

Letter to the editor

In response to “Lack of GOP support for civil rights shows insensitivity” Recently, a Daily Trojan writer wrote a rather excoriating article which, while well-evidenced, incorrectly characterized the GOP’s vote on the Violence Against Women Act, or VAWA. As a proud member of the party, as secretary for the USC College Republicans and even as […]

Are political campaigns attacking religion unfair?

The American Atheists’ “Go Godless” billboards are simply smear campaigns with no purpose.  The First Amendment guarantees us the right to express our opinions, however controversial, to the general public: It allows us to protest unjust policies and corrupt practices. But at what point do we draw the line in determining when free speech is […]


View Roundup in a larger map The following incidents were reported in the USC Dept. of Public Safety incident report summary between Monday, March 4, and Tuesday, March 5.  Crimes against a person at 2:25 p.m. on March 4, DPS officers responded to a student who sustained an injury to his foot when a vehicle […]