State of the Union must outline achievable goals

As Winston Churchill once said, “A politician needs the ability to foretell what is going to happen tomorrow, next week, next month and next year and to have the ability afterwards to explain why it didn’t happen.” President Barack Obama’s State of the Union address was, as expected, characterized by ambitious proposals. Some of President […]

Music’s new over-Lordes and innovators

In 2013, the world’s biggest artists created an unexpected amount of innovative, provocative music, often forsaking tried and true formulas. It seems this innovation race is being propelled from the bottom, largely by an extremely talented new crop of female singers. This group has been able to take hold at a time when the most […]


The following incidents were reported in the USC Dept. of Public Safety incident report summary between Monday, Jan. 27, and Tuesday, Jan. 28.  Crimes against property At 10:43 A.M. on Jan. 27, a staff member at Keck Hospital of USC reported a department computer missing. The incident occurred on Jan. 19. Miscellaneous incidents At 3:28 […]

Ringing in the Lunar Year

On Jan. 28, students gathered in Hahn Plaza around Tommy Trojan for a live folk drum and dance performance to celebrate the Lunar New Year. The USC Korean Studies Institute and USC Haneulsori hosted the event.