USC gets into the holiday spirit

On Wednesday I headed out to USC football practice and asked a few players about their favorite Halloween traditions. I originally wanted to ask them what they were going to dress up as for Halloween, but I realized that they’d be on the road for their matchup at Washington State this Saturday, so they’re unable […]

Politics at USC

  If you were to ask a college-educated person about politically active campuses in the United States, the University of Southern California might not be the first school that comes to mind. In recent years, however, USC has become a student body that is not only aware of social and political issues, but actively engaging […]

Organizations mobilize for midterm elections

With the 2014 midterm elections quickly approaching, political partisanship has made its way back to the forefront of the national stage. Though USC’s campus community may seem more interested in football than politics at times, the political fervor hasn’t been lost on students — particularly for those in the College Democrats and College Republicans. As […]

ESA takes on campus sustainability efforts

In the face of one of the worst droughts on record, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti issued an executive directive challenging the city to reduce its water use by 20 percent over the next two and a half years. The severity of current environmental issues, both water-related and otherwise, has not escaped the notice of […]

International students engage in campus politics

Political groups at USC have a substantial impact on student awareness and participation in the political process. For some international students who have never experienced the political freedoms that American students sometimes take for granted, that impact is much more personal and profound. USC enrolls more international students, who collectively represent over 130 countries, than […]

Students show solidarity with Hong Kong

It’s another day of blue skies and sunshine here at USC. Students stroll to class as bikes whiz past in a blur. Cathie So, a first-year physics graduate student, makes her way down Trousdale Parkway amid the morning rush. As she scans the brick-paved roads of Troy, her newfound home of nearly half a semester, […]