Ron, R.J. Hunter here to stay

In addition to the fact that it was spring break and I had finally found some leisure time after a stressful two weeks of midterms, as a sports fan, this past weekend was one of my favorites of 2015 so far. March Madness began on Tuesday and did not disappoint. As a Trojan, I’m proud […]

Homestay central to studying abroad

Ever since high school, I pictured myself spending the second semester of my junior year abroad in Spain, finally becoming fluent — or, at least being able to hold a solid conversation in the language I had been learning since middle school. Yet, when it came time for me to apply, there was one part […]

American involvement crucial for protection of global politics

In 2014, President Barack Obama touted Yemen as the golden child of his counterterrorism program. At the time, such seemed to be the case. As soon as President Abdu Rabu Mansour Hadi took office in 2012 with the help of U.S. ally Saudi Arabia, Yemen grew closer to becoming a full-fledged democracy and a helpful […]

U.S. interference would cause more trouble in Yemen

For decades, Yemen has been marked by economic turmoil and political instability. This unrest came to a peak Sunday as Houthi rebels — Shiite Muslims who feel discriminated against in a mostly Sunni nation — took over Taiz, Yemen’s third largest city. With the capital city, Sanaa, already surrendered to the insurgents, U.N. officials have […]