To resolve apathy, focus on results

It is exceedingly difficult to get most people in my generation, the millennials, to care about politics. What isn’t difficult is getting us to care about results. Bridging the gap between the process of politics, which doesn’t interest us, and the outcome, which does, holds the key to voter apathy, particularly among the young folks […]

Suicide prevention on social media is a big step forward

Facebook just recently implemented a new suicide prevention plan that aims to identify people who may be feeling suicidal. Friends can report whether someone has written a concerning post, and that will generate an automated response to direct that person to available options for help. The new tool has great potential to save lives, and demonstrates that […]

Seoul is a breath of fresh air

Even when you’re spending your semester abroad an ocean away, headache-inducing responsibilities like figuring out housing for the next year will follow you around. Luckily enough, I’m spending my time in the heart of Seoul. In what seems rare for a city that has achieved its level of urbanization, Seoul is surrounded by hills and […]

It’s time to meet the parents

My mom had been waiting to meet my host mom in Madrid ever since I got my housing assignment. Even when all I knew about my host family was that I would be living with a woman named Rosario Perez, my mom had already affectionately nicknamed her “Mamá Rosario.” (I’d later find out that Rosario […]

House of Cards and real world connections

**SPOILER ALERT** For those coping with severe withdrawal symptoms, Friday was a fabulous day for the House of Cards addict. After that brief tease a few weeks ago, Season Three is here to stay. When Season Two wrapped up with that breathtaking scene of Frank in the Oval Office, a lot of viewers were probably […]

Eight ways to cope with midterm season

Spring break…so close, yet so far. All you have to do is get through the last stretch of midterm season. Instead of stressing about all the tests you have next week, use one (or all) of the methods below to ace those midterms and feel confident going into spring break. 1. Get to Leavey earlier […]