How to Trick Yourself into Being a Morning Person

  Only about one in 10 people is actually a morning person, according to the Body Clock Guide to Mental Health. This is a statistic that may still seem too high for the nine other people that hit the snooze button religiously.Many factors, such as a dreaded class, late night studying or an unfavorable commute […]

The Benefits of a Mental Clean Slate

College life can be difficult. Being 20-something in today’s society, and being immersed in our super competitive life at USC, leaves a lot of room for stress. The pressure that many of us feel to constantly succeed can sometimes get the best of us. However, thinking about how we deal with stress may alleviate negative […]

Reflecting on the engrossing effects of the em-dash

What happens in your mind when you read this sentence — and you hit the dash? Did you pause? If so, how long did you pause for? I imagine it was longer that you normally would for spaces between words, and about as long as you would for a semicolon, colon or a parentheses. This […]

Midterm musicals: Power through with four pitch-perfect playlists

With midterm season now upon us, it is time to find those perfect playlists to power you through every study session, especially during that semester slump. I’m talking about those playlists that will keep you focused on problem sets and essays, the ones that will almost distract from the fact you’ve missed a week’s worth of […]

COLUMN: Campus needs to be more bike-friendly

As college students, bikes are a big part of our culture. They’re a fast, easy way to get around campus. Unlike our crosstown rivals, we enjoy a flat, level campus that is easy to maneuver with almost any mode of transportation. With a sizable amount of students utilizing a bicycle to get from point A […]