Love U: The Last Text

From break ups to make ups and everything in between, “Love U” captures the nuances of college students’ relationships. “Love U” runs in DeeTs on Mondays. Maybe it’s the generic “Lol” or the “Goodnight!” or maybe even the seemingly promising “See you later :).” You know, it’s the last text — that last time you […]

Five places in LA to get your burrito fix without going to Chipotle

Most college students depend on Chipotle to satisfy their burrito cravings, and that makes sense. After all, Chipotle has quick service, quality food and a wide variety of fillings. On top of everything else, the food is pretty affordable. What’s not to love? However, while Chipotle burritos are great, they aren’t the only option. Once […]

International economics, student edition

My third week in Istanbul, I met a Boğaziçi student who had just returned from studying at a Russian university for two years, where he had planned to finish his degree. Prior to that, he had been pursuing a philosophy degree at Boğaziçi when he decided that the subject wasn’t really for him. But after […]

Ask Tiffany: DIY: Breaking the ice with a hottie

I haven’t had a crush on anyone in like, centuries. But there’s this one guy at work that I’m stupid hung up on. We don’t work the same shift, I’ve only run into him a few times, and we barely know each other. How can I find an excuse to talk to him? We aren’t even […]

The “Plus Size” Male Model

It’s no secret that diversity has been a pressing issue lately. With the Oscars nominating strictly white performers for the second year in a row making headlines, the pursuit of equal representation in media is beginning to become more and more of a priority. The fashion realm, especially, has faced criticism for being notoriously exclusive […]