Escaping LA: Nearby Getaways

What do you think of when you think Los Angeles? Maybe palm trees, sunny skies or waves crashing on beautiful shores. The weather is mild and lovely; a light jacket would suffice on warmer months (and even some days in winter). There is Hollywood and the entertainment scene, with its horde of aspiring actors, A-listers, […]

The Genuine Freshman: Avoiding the Infamous Freshman Fifteen

  One difficult aspect of adjusting to college is getting into a routine of regular exercise and maintaining a healthy diet. For me, it was especially difficult because I was used to nutritious, home-cooked food every night, and I used to play sports in high school. I had the structure of daily exercise at athletic […]

Behind the Desk: A Lifestyle Change

  I am writing this in the newsroom to the constant hum of our old Mac desktops. It is five minutes ‘til 5 p.m., five minutes until the newsroom comes alive on Monday evenings to the sound of rapid mouse clicks, furious taps of keyboard keys and spontaneous bursts of laughter from every corner of […]