Entries by Valerie Yu

Truth, discovery and being very, very small

Philosophers have, for centuries, struggled to define truth. And so many theories and basic logical relationships rely on the basic assumption that something is true; namely, 2 + 1 = 3 because 2 indicates two things, 1 indicates one thing and 3 indicates three things. Whether that assumption is in line with reality is another […]

L.A.’s hidden gem: The Alcove Café

Cafés in Los Angeles are a dime a dozen. Lunch on Melrose, drinks in Beverly Hills, coffee in Silver Lake – they’re about as common as sunshine. With so many options, how do you decide where to go? Look no further than the hidden gem in Los Angeles, The Alcove Café and Bakery. The Alcove […]

The perks of free museums

In London, the cost of being cultured is relatively cheap. In my three weeks studying in the heart of the British Empire, I’ve explored a wide range of the free museums, churches and art galleries. Among the museums I’ve visited are the Museum of London, the British Museum and the National Gallery. By visiting these […]

What happens when it rains at USC?

Oh, sunny Los Angeles. This city hails some of the best temperatures in the state. But what happens when the clear skies and warm rays are gone? USC rarely experiences rain, but when it does it may seem like all hell breaks loose. The smallest puddle has the ability to cause complete mayhem. Here’s a run […]

Famous people you’ll see at USC

Housed in the entertainment capital of the world, USC attracts many celebrities and their kids. The Trojan Family is made up of some of the nation’s leading names in film, politics and music. Whether there is a celebrity attending your class or a movie star walking down Trousdale, there are countless familiar faces passing by […]

Congressional Republicans are failing due to incompetence

After last year’s midterm elections, when Republicans won sweeping gains in both houses of Congress and shifted power in the Senate from blue to red, liberal pundits were understandably concerned about what new legislation would pass the legislature before the next election in 2016. With campaign promises ranging from creating new jobs to stopping ISIS, […]

A Venetian weekend: Island hopping and masquerades

“Don’t go to sleep. Just stay up the entire weekend. You can sleep when you get back,” is what Sam — every SACI (Studio Art Centers International) student’s helpful guide to surviving in Florence — told me when I bid him adieu and headed off to the station to catch a train to Venice, Italy. […]

How I actually started learning to speak Spanish

After years of Spanish classes, I still felt like I couldn’t actually speak any Spanish when I arrived in Chile. During my first week in Santiago, people were constantly like, ¿me entiendes? ¿Cachai?, using words I’d never even heard before, like paltas (avocados), carrete (party), fome (boring) and variations on wea which I still don’t […]

College life, beyond media portrayals and generalizations

Where do we get the idea of what college is supposed to be like? I usually end up eating strawberry sorbet and singing along to the Moulin Rouge soundtrack in old pajamas on a Saturday night. I know people who do the same, but I also know a lot of people who love to go […]

Misconceptions shattered in Amman, Jordan

Marhaaban from Amman, Jordan! When I told people where I was studying abroad, I’d always be met by a beat of surprised silence and then, “So, like…the Middle East?” Yeah, the Middle East. It seems crazy that a college student like myself would choose to study in a country surrounded almost on all sides by […]