Google’s new feature a mixed bag of results

Yesterday, web giant Google debuted its latest feature: Google Instant. Instant generates results as you type, creating a set of real-time search results before you can even hit “search” or “I’m feeling lucky.” According to the company, Instant can save two to five seconds in a search. “Start typing and results appear right before your […]

Bon voyage

Erini Blakey, a senior majoring in anthropology, talks to a student about studying abroad in Madrid at the Study Abroad Fair on Trousdale Parkway Wednesday. The Office of Overseas Studies offers study abroad programs in more than 50 locations and for all majors and minors.

Professors’ rating determines salary

The plan will affect professors at 11 of the universities in the Texas A&M System; professors will be evaluated based on their salary, funding received based on external research and earned money from teaching.