Journalism still has a place for narrative

If we believe the press, which impending obsolescence has converted into a bunch of nostalgic cultural critics bemoaning the way things are, then storytelling is in a bad way. The long-form narrative is out, the 140-character Tweet is in. Permit me to download — in small, snack-sized chunks — a few examples from recent columns. […]

Trojans are sorting out an identity crisis

The horde of recruits had to be confused. Maybe everyone had mistakenly entered the wrong locker room. No, this had to be it. There were USC logos and colors plastered everywhere, but this was a far cry from the fun-loving, raucous atmosphere that they had heard so much about. This subdued scene wasn’t what the […]

Grinch steals show, not holiday cheer, with humor

If Charles Dickens were writing today, he might have taken the easy way out and sent Scrooge to the Pantages Theatre for a heart-warming showing of Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas! The Musical, which opened Saturday. It wouldn’t be much of a story, but at least Scrooge would be cured of his misanthropy […]