Congress must break unproductive streak

In his first inaugural address, President Ronald Reagan cemented his place in the cliché hall of fame with his remark that, “Government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.” Sure, the conventional conservative wisdom holds that the government that does least does best. By that metric, the 113th Congress is on […]

Traveler’s Tracks: Back to School

Rini Sampath is back with Traveler’s Tracks, starting off the new school semester with a playlist of upbeat songs including tracks from The Black Keys, M.I.A., Nicki Minaj and many more. Rini Sampath is a sophomore majoring in international relations. Her podcast “Traveler’s Tracks” runs every Tuesday.        

Screen on Sound: Ender’s Game, Dallas Buyers Club, and more

In this week’s installment of Screen on Sound, Lifestyle writers Daniel Grzywacz and Landon McDonald talk about the recent and upcoming movie releases, as well as what’s hot on TV.   Ender’s Game (2013) Directed by Gavin Hood Starring Harrison Ford, Asa Butterfield, Hailee Steinfeld, and Abigail Breslin.   Last Vegas (2013) Directed by Jon […]