Finding USC’s next Renaissance man

Last Wednesday, Professor of Polymathy Sidney Harman boldly proclaimed that he would “contaminate the entire university” at the inaugural event for the Academy of Polymathic Study. The event marked the creation of one of the few institutions of polymathic study across the United States. Polymaths are people who live the Renaissance ideal; They are proficient […]

USG is more effective than students think

If you cast a ballot for the Undergraduate Student Government elections in the last few years, you were in the minority. In 2010’s election for example, of the approximately 16,000 eligible undergraduate student voters, only about 4,550 turned up to the polls on campus or online. Overall, that’s less than one-third of the undergraduate student […]

Mental health services need refocusing

USC  often shows great concern for the well-being of its students, but the university seems to have focused mainly on physical health and neglected to consider students’ mental health, which has been a growing concern at colleges across the United States. According to “The American Freshman: National Norms” Fall 2010 annual survey, freshmen emotional health […]