Start the new year by giving back to others

The end of each December heralds the usual quixotic resolution to lose 40 pounds, the customary “Year in Review” articles, the standard rehashing of already irrelevant pop culture references, the habitual pats on the back for another year completed. But instead, maybe we can strive to be more aware of our surroundings. For example, we […]

START could repair American image

The New START Treaty, which limits the amount of strategic nuclear weapons that both the United States and Russia are allowed to have deployed at any time, was approved by the U.S. Senate in late December, overcoming its last hurdle. The treaty fostered a contentious   debate in Washington, but in the end, the treaty […]

Hollywood’s memory lanes comes to USC

Although non-cinema students might occasionally notice USC’s close ties with the film industry, they might not be aware of the behind-the-scenes effort to preserve Hollywood’s most precious moments for our intellectual benefit.

The next wave of alternative energy

For students that frequent the less-than-sparkling beaches punctuating California’s coastline, it’s easy to think of the ocean as the place where we jettison all things polluted or unwieldy.