Students, protect yourselves against the pig

Why did the chicken cross the road? Because he had the swine flu. How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? As much as he could before he caught the swine flu. Where’s Waldo? I don’t know, but there’s probably a rash of swine flu cases there. Jokes aside, the […]

Students dabble in the fields of online agriculture

It’s been a long time since Facebook — like shower sandals, cheap beer and pretentious art posters — was associated exclusively with college students. I don’t think anyone begrudges this transition, though it is always alarming to see your mother comment on the sweater you wore to “LAS VEGAS TRIP(PY) Part Deux.” But whereas it […]

Parents of celebrities throw propriety aside

As we grow up, our relationships with our parents can be quite difficult to manage. The phone calls they insist we make everyday, the birthday wishes that so often slip our minds and the inconvenient trips back home all contribute to the constant activity and intense stress levels that college students already face. Sure, there […]

State Democrats face formidable roadblocks

There are very few Californians who still approve of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger — at least when it comes to politics. That’s why the state’s upcoming gubernatorial race has sparked such a wide range of responses. Some are excited, hoping for change; others indifferent, knowing that no single person could possibly undo the vast array of […]

Nikias is the best choice for Sample’s successor

Replacing a president of Steven B. Sample’s caliber won’t be easy. His leadership and poise have launched this university to unprecedented heights. Though Sample has accomplished much, his work is anything but finished. In the hectic interim, it is critical that USC selects the right candidate to carry on Sample’s legacy. The search seems daunting, […]

Students should have input in successor

On Monday, USC President Steven B. Sample announced his retirement in August, bringing an end to a 19-year tenure marked by great achievement in the academic, athletic and financial profiles of the university. The progress made under Sample’s leadership is easily quantifiable — the school’s ranking has risen from 51st to a highly respectable 26th […]

Vegetarians, meat-eaters spar at event

Each time we take a bite out of a store-bought (oftentimes hormone-pumped) chicken leg, we are making — consciously or not — an ethical choice. To eat meat, or not to eat meat — that is now a valid ethical question. Last Friday at Ground Zero Performance Café (unbearably hip, as always), the USC Levan […]

Blame Internet and scavengers for invasion

Save the applause and point your finger. Blame Al Gore — the person who many credit for bringing us the Internet. Whether or not Gore is actually the so-called “Father of the Internet” is questionable, but nonetheless the Internet’s takeover is quite evident. Today there’s no way around it. You can’t destroy it; its fiber-optic […]

Global watchdog oversteps bounds

There are a lot of theoretical arguments these days about how much power non-state actors can legitimately wield in a globalized world. Last week, a panel of French judges made a decision strongly in favor of traditional sovereignty, throwing out a case led by Transparency International and human rights group Sherpa before its first hearing. […]

Food options leave students in the dark

What’s for dinner? It’s a question that’s perplexed mankind on a daily basis since the beginning of time. Unfortunately, if you’re a USC student, the correct answer is “nothing on campus during the weekends” ­— unless you’re lucky enough to have a meal plan for either of the decadent dining halls on campus. Currently, all […]