Letter to the Editor

In response to “Healthcare website spurs problems”   I am deeply concerned by the level of misinformation present in Ms. Valerie Yu’s opinion piece on the Affordable Care Act, which appeared in the Oct. 29 issue of the Daily Trojan. Writers of opinion pieces are entitled to exactly that: opinions. This letter aims to examine […]

Letter to the editor

We would like to clarify USC’s social events policy in light of recent news reports. The university has not changed any policies, but is strictly enforcing existing policies regarding parties on and near campus during school nights. We took this step together because we do not want students to get hurt. While these policies are […]

Letter to the editor

In response to “USG salaries established as the highest in the Pac-12” On behalf of USC’s Undergraduate Student Government, I would like to offer a very simple explanation as to why USG pays its members: diversity and inclusion. As an organization, USG strives to attract and retain some of USC’s brightest and most diverse students. […]

Letter to the editor

Regarding the government shutdown The Republican Party is rightfully concerned with the efficacy, fairness and practicability of the Affordable Care Act. Contrary to reports by popular news, the Republican Party does not own the shutdown. Such action takes two parts, two chambers of Congress. The Republican Party only controls one. Sadly, the public will not […]

Letter to the editor

An old joke goes that Americans have three neighbors: Canadians, Mexicans and fish. When thinking about why Americans are notoriously lethargic towards learning foreign languages, I wonder if this might have something to do with it. That being said, I believe it is imperative that USC begin offering an Indonesian language program to its students. […]

Letter to the editor

In response to “Petraeus unfit to mentor USC students” As veterans pursuing MBAs at the USC Marshall School of Business, we are troubled by Jayel Aheram’s article, “Petraeus unfit to mentor USC students,” in the Daily Trojan. First of all, it should be made clear that Mr. Aheram does not speak for the entire USC […]

Letter to the editor

In response to “Petraeus unfit to mentor USC students” Self-proclaimed radical, Jayel Aheram, recently wrote an article for the Daily Trojan stating his belief that General Petraeus is unfit to mentor USC veterans.  His article is rife with hypotheticals, speculation and unsubstantiated “facts,” and the crux of his argument is an out-of-context quote from Marine […]

Letter to the editor

In response to “USG should focus on student spending” Two days ago I read an article published in the Daily Trojan about how USG should focus on student funding. The opinion piece claims that the procedures a club has to follow to get funding are tough and the money awarded too small to help out […]

Letter to the editor

The importance of volunteerism As one of the leading universities in the country, USC should make volunteerism a requirement for graduation and aim to focus its resources on promoting volunteerism on campus if it wants its students to have a greater impact on the world. College is the time to explore your interests and to […]

Letter to the editor

In response to Sragow video Throughout the last few days, some people have mistakenly assumed that I want to censor professors’ freedom of speech. Not once have I ever advocated such a thing. In many cases it serves students well for professors to express their own opinions and political experience. Nevertheless, the role of the […]