Letter to the editor

In response to “Lack of GOP support for civil rights shows insensitivity” Recently, a Daily Trojan writer wrote a rather excoriating article which, while well-evidenced, incorrectly characterized the GOP’s vote on the Violence Against Women Act, or VAWA. As a proud member of the party, as secretary for the USC College Republicans and even as […]

Letter to the editor

’ SC apparel needs closer look Dear USC Community, As faculty on campus, our labor is valued for our expertise in our fields and our teaching.  Many students look up to us, and we help them find the paths they need to pursue professional life-long goals. But for those interested in making positive change on […]

Letter to the editor

The Sequester and STEM Congress, before the New Year began, agreed on a compromise to deal with the self-imposed “fiscal cliff,” a combination of deep spending cuts and a tax increase due to the expiration of the “Bush” tax cuts. However, this compromise only delayed the proposed sequestration cuts, which are across-the-board budget reductions for […]

Letter to the editor

In regard to Pi Kappa Phi’s “Phi-esta” Fellow Trojans, On behalf of the brothers of Pi Kappa Phi fraternity, I would like to apologize for the insensitive statements made on the Facebook event description for our “Phiesta.” We recognize that these statements were offensive and we want to take full accountability for the insensitivity of […]

Letter to the editor

In regard to Pi Kappa Phi’s “Phi-esta” I am proud of who I am. I am Catholic, liberal and sometimes a little outspoken. This is one of those times. I am a Trojan through and through, but first, I am a woman of Mexican-American descent. A couple weeks ago, the students of the Duke Asian […]

Letter to the editor

The detrimental effects of USC Hook-Ups Of course when I came across the USC Hook-Ups Facebook page this evening on my Facebook, I eagerly perused the posts with my roommate and laughed over some of the better-worded sexploits detailed on the page. However, as the evening progressed and more and more updates began to pop up, […]

Letters to the editor

USC after-hours medical care needs urgent reform As USC shifts toward a residential community, it must adapt to meet the health needs of its students after business hours. The current system is in dire need of reform. Twice now this year, my roommate and I have faced health issues USC failed to address because of […]

Letter to the editor

In response to security measures Dear USC community, The purpose of this letter is to oppose recent actions taken by the Office of the President: 1. Installation of fencing on north perimeter of University Park Campus 2. Failure to promptly notify the USC community of temporary fencing 3. Creation of after-hours access periods from 9 […]

Letters to the editor

Metro ExpressLanes provide more options for students The Metro ExpressLanes opened on Nov. 10 on Interstate 110, as the Daily Trojan reported. Because of USC’s proximity to the lanes, USC students, faculty and staff are in a unique position to take advantage of the ExpressLanes and other added transit options. The project increases the capacity […]