Letters to the editor

An open letter to USC and UCLA The crosstown rivalry between our two campuses, particularly in the weeks leading up to the UCLA-USC football game, is a great tradition in college sports.  But even as we root against each other on the field, UCLA and USC stand united in our common belief that this weekend’s […]

Letter to the editor: Halloween shooting

The Black Student Assembly, Program Board, and the Undergraduate Student Government wish for the welfare, health, and recovery of everyone impacted by the incident of October 31, 2012.  The intent of the event was to create a safe, secure, and alcohol-free environment on campus for students on the night of Halloween. We did not foresee the […]

Letters to the editor

Tax policy numbers don’t lie Though both candidates have claimed roles as champions of the middle class in the recent presidential debates, I thought we better look at the facts hidden in both parties’ tax policy plans. The Democratic plan extends all the current income tax rates except for the top individual rate. In other […]

Letters to the editor

Paul Ryan will repeat debate success “You’re telling me we have to go spend money to keep from going bankrupt? The answer is yes, that’s what I’m telling you.” Vice President Joe Biden’s statement epitomizes why the American people are rejecting four more years of an Obama presidency. In a substantial debate devoid of personal […]

Letters to the editor

Greek Life As a student at USC, I enjoy the article by Nick Cimarusti titled “Non-Greeks Can Still Have a Social Life.”  However, as a member of USC Greek Life, the use of a somewhat insulting cliché as a hook is disappointing. As you are probably aware, the Greek system is currently in the process […]

Letters to the editor

End racial profiling The term racial profiling includes targeting individuals based on their actual or perceived race, ethnicity, religion, national origin or immigration or citizenship status. The practice stems from the misconception that certain groups are more likely to be involved in criminal activity, identified solely by their appearance. The United States has a history […]

Letters to the editor

Transportation In her Aug. 22 Daily Trojan article on transportation options, Carrie Ruth Moore includes a few incorrect or incomplete points that I would like to correct. The primary point I wanted to correct was regarding the LA Live Shuttle. This shuttle service was operated by USC Transportation but completely funded by Anschutz Entertainment Group, […]

Letter to the editor

Fostering community isn’t just about providing funding.  Campus organizations grant students the opportunity to express themselves, satisfy their interests and share their passion with others. In turn, these organizations make USC a better place to live and learn. But while the community thrives on its own, it relies on the university to support it. Fostering […]

Letter to the editor

While saving space for bikes, USC should keep its charm. What makes you proud to call yourself a Trojan? Is it our exceptional academic or athletic rankings? Is it the unique oasis of the campus? Is our Trojan pride being run over by bikes? It is time that the conversation regarding bicycles be at the […]

Letters to the editor

American grocery stores use too many plastic bags.  I am an international USC student from Korea. Since many Koreans are familiar with American culture through movies and music, things haven’t looked that weird to me since I arrived here. Well, one thing has. In supermarkets, all the cashiers double-bag nearly everything, including gallons of milk, […]