Letter to the editor

Seniors with A’s shouldn’t have to take their finals. I’m sitting on my bed, rushing to read the first and last pages of the reading for a class I have in 20 minutes, completely overwhelmed, stressed — yet convinced that somehow it will get done. When did this sudden change of heart and perseverance occur? […]

Letter to the editor

H.R.4170 would help ease student loan burdens. In 2012, student loan debt surpassed credit card debt. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau estimates that $1 trillion is owed in student debt. Students attending college have to pay for tuition, standard fees, room and board, books and supplies, transportation and daily living expenses. Full-time students attending a […]

Letter to the editor

Honors designations are unfair to transfer students. If you are a graduating transfer student with a 3.7 GPA and you’re thinking of leaving with magna cum laude honors, think again. Upon transferring, you are led to believe that you have been issued a blank slate. The separation of transfer GPA and USC GPA is understandable, […]

Letter to the editor

USG member salaries could be put to better use.  Funding is an uphill battle for many student organizations, but for Undergraduate Student Government, it is a given. As an organization that is run by students and for students, why is it that so much money — our money — is spent on the subsidization of […]

Letter to the editor

There’s more to USC athletics than football.   Football is and has always been king at USC. The football team is a perennial contender for the BCS National Championship year in and year out, and it deservedly receives the most attention, considering the national popularity of the sport. The problem is that attendance lacks in […]

Letter to the editor

The administration should create bike paths on campus.  Biking is the fastest way to get to class at USC. Many of us bike down Ellendale Place, turn left on Jefferson Boulevard and bike across the intersection at McClintock Avenue. Do you wonder if there are police waiting to give you a ticket for riding your […]

Letter to the editor

Racial profiling should be banned nationwide.  USC is located in the heart of Los Angeles, in a predominately black and Hispanic neighborhood. The Free Demographics Data of 2011 demonstrates  the dramatic differences between the inner-campus and off-campus communities. According to this data, the 90007 zip code, which immediately surrounds  USC’s campus, is 58.2 percent Hispanic, […]

Letter to the editor

To stop hazing, lawmakers must amend Matt’s Law. On Feb. 2, 2005, a young college student by the name of Matt Carrington died as a direct result of a hazing ritual at Chico State University in Chico, Calif. Following his death, Carrington’s family sought to eliminate hazing in California. Carrington’s family was successful in changing […]

Letter to the editor

USC Parking should not have to teach us manners. I agree with Ms. Sneider’s letter, published March 22. USC parking seems like a horribly lucrative institution at times. However, USC Transportation can make as much money as it wants by enforcing the rule against parking in more than one space. Parking in more than one […]

Letter to the editor

Support the Half in Ten bill to help Los Angeles’ poor.  As a social worker at the Good Shepherd Center serving the homeless women and children of Los Angeles, I have seen dozens of people who are newly homeless at age 50. Many people have paid their own way their whole lives, only to be […]