Letter to the editor

A constitutional policy Hilary Lazarus’ May 26 article titled “Arizona Law Borders on Ethnic Cleansing” was ignorant and irresponsible. Unfortunately, Lazarus continues to disseminate lies and stoke fear with respect to the Arizona law in particular and the issue of illegal immigration in general. Lazarus’ assertions are incorrect on two very fundamental levels. First, Lazarus […]

Letters to the editor

No space for discussion Ordinarily, I am not an overly political person. In fact, as a Ph.D student in music history, much of my life is devoted to a retreat from the messy politics of this world into an idealized world of art. However, after a recent experience attending an anti-Israel demonstration conducted by Students […]

Letter to the editor

System falters I am extremely disappointed in the university’s failure to communicate with students, faculty and staff on Tuesday, April 27, while the school was on lockdown following a bomb threat to Leavey Library. The lives of all members of the Trojan Family are endangered when critical emergency information is not disseminated in a timely […]

USC misses chance for reparations

Last week, thousands of proud seniors braved the intense California sun and the earliest Friday morning wake-up call since their freshman year general education classes to participate in the university’s 127th annual commencement ceremony. Graduate students who received their postgraduate honors joined them. Also in attendance were five honorary degree recipients — William J. Bratton, […]

Letter to the editor

Illegal means illegal I’m writing in response to the article written by Angad Singh on April 26, titled “Immigration Debate Needs Humanization.” Singh wrote: “No one is illegal. A human cannot be illegal.” He went on to write, “We have to understand the plight of illegal immigrants entering our state,” and that “amnesty should be […]

Job market is mostly contingent upon timing

The Wall Street Journal recently reported that consumers are finally spending money on more than just basic material goods again. It’s been two years since retailers, restaurants and other merchants made significant profits. Women are starting to splurge on cute shoes, families are celebrating birthdays at their favorites restaurants and couples are opting to improve […]