Food options leave students in the dark

What’s for dinner? It’s a question that’s perplexed mankind on a daily basis since the beginning of time. Unfortunately, if you’re a USC student, the correct answer is “nothing on campus during the weekends” ­— unless you’re lucky enough to have a meal plan for either of the decadent dining halls on campus. Currently, all […]

H1N1 partiers play chicken with the swine

There are only so many ’80s-themed parties one can attend before American Apparel runs out of gold lamé spandex pants and shoulder pads stop being ironically funny and start being a regrettable fashion statement. It’s only natural that students start branching out to new theme party ideas, but it’s not long before everyone and their […]

Online forums hurt USC’s reputation, student image

Standing proud in the heart of Downtown Los Angeles, USC boasts top-rated academic programs, a football team that seizes Rose Bowl titles and a student body that is active in more than 260 university-sponsored community service programs. Not to mention those “A” rankings for our drool-worthy dudes and gorgeous girls, according to College Prowler. The […]

Detractors dress up as celebrities for Halloween

Cobwebs and carved pumpkins take their places on front porches. Using the holiday to justify their less-than-appropriate fashion choices, girls search tirelessly for the perfect modified workers’ uniforms (this year, I hear the Foxy Firefighter will be especially big). As always, kids on sugar highs dressed as witches, goblins and ghouls will soon be running […]