Tag Archive for: 9/11


Miniature American flags lined Trousdale Parkway in a display of patriotism on Tuesday as students, faculty and staff members shared a few moments of silence to remember those who were lost in the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks 11 years ago.

The term interfaith overlooks key religions

Partially in response to President Barack Obama’s challenge issued in March to bridge religious divides and build understanding while giving university students a chance to participate in community service projects, USC hosted an interfaith memorial on Sept. 11, commemorating the 10th anniversary of that fateful day. Calling the event “interfaith,” though, doesn’t really say anything […]

Nation reflects on 10th anniversary of Sept. 11 attacks

With today marking the 10th anniversary of the infamous Sept.11 attacks, people, organizations and media across the country are coming together to commemorate the event. The 9/11 Memorial, located at the site of the World Trade Center, will be officially dedicated today and opened to the public Monday. The memorial contains two reflecting pools edged […]