Tag Archive for: death penalty

Ballot voting can protect human rights

Come Nov. 8, California voters will not only have the opportunity to voice their choice for the president of the United States, but also to influence state legislation. There are 17 measures in total on the ballot in California — each promising something different. Given the barrage of political commentary surrounding the presidential race, these […]

Prop. 34 would end injustice of death penalty

Tomorrow, Californians will be faced with a question of life or death. In addition to choosing the next president of the United States, California voters must decide whether they will continue to support the death penalty, or vote to abolish it. If approved, Proposition 34 would replace the death penalty with life imprisonment without the […]

Death penalty not a sound financial decision

The prosecutors in the Scott Dekraai case announced last Friday they are seeking the death penalty as Dekraai’s punishment for killing nine people in a Seal Beach salon. I do not look upon this tragic event simply. How could one person kill not only the mother of his eight-year-old son, but other innocent people? I’m […]

Texas prisons scrap ‘last meal’ tradition for death-row inmates

Texas prisons recently abolished the “last meal” tradition for inmates facing execution. This decision was made after death-row inmate Lawrence Russell Brewer requested a large meal and then did not eat any of it, saying he wasn’t hungry. John Whitmire, state senator of Texas responds by saying of Brewer, “He didn’t give his victim any comfort or choice […]