Tag Archive for: debate

Getting out the vote

USC students will take to the polls today to elect Undergraduate Student Government members after a newly-extended campaign period that spanned nearly three weeks — but it’s still unclear whether that prolonged phase will result in increased voter turnout. Student government elections have become notorious at colleges nationwide for drawing only a small percentage of […]

Point/Counterpoint: The Final Presidential Debate

Point: Elena Kadvany There weren’t many surprises in tonight’s presidential debate. Moderator Bob Schieffer asked the expected questions about Libya, Syria, Egypt, Iran, Afghanistan and China. As always, there were many important topics left undebated — Greece, the Eurocrisis, Mexico’s drug war. The candidates were pretty civilized, nitpicking on some claims but also agreeing on […]

Live blog transcript: third presidential debate

5:51 The Daily Trojan’s Editorial Director, Elena Kadvany, and opinion columnist Sarah Cueva will be live blogging the third presidential debate from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Elena will take a more liberal perspective, and Sarah a conservative one. Check the DT website and Twitter (@dailytrojan) for live updates! 6:08 SC: Moderator Bob Schaiffer starts off […]

Round 2: The aftermath of the Obama-Romney debate

Obama’s performance: Elena Kadvany Tonight, the real president showed up. President Barack Obama was passionate, focused, eloquent, defensive — in short, he was the man who inspired so many voters four years ago, the man who still has the power to do so today. The town hall format of the second presidential debate forced Obama […]

Q&A with Professor Tom Hollihan

President Barack Obama and Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney faced off during the first presidential debate at the University of Denver on Wednesday night. Communication Professor Tom Hollihan, an expert in political debates, analyzed the candidates’ performances in the domestic policy debate.   Daily Trojan: Did voters learn anything new about the two candidates from […]

East LA can stand on its own

East Los Angeles is in a conundrum. For the past half-century, the residents of the unincorporated area have tried to make it an official city within L.A. county. Incorporation would give East L.A. freedom to develop and advance. Many other Angelenos, however, claim that incorporation is not economically viable. The Local Agency Formation Commission plans […]