Tag Archive for: facebook

Twitter expedites spoilers

It’s hard, sometimes, being a fan of television on the West Coast and being on Twitter. Perhaps no night is more difficult than Sunday during the hours leading up to a new episode of Mad Men or Breaking Bad. To put it bluntly — my feed becomes a giant scroll of spoilers. To their credit, […]

Letter to the editor

The detrimental effects of USC Hook-Ups Of course when I came across the USC Hook-Ups Facebook page this evening on my Facebook, I eagerly perused the posts with my roommate and laughed over some of the better-worded sexploits detailed on the page. However, as the evening progressed and more and more updates began to pop up, […]

New media redefines the art of journaling

As the so-called Digital Age begins to pick up speed, the private art of putting pen to paper seems almost antiquated. Sharing your thoughts on the latest political development is as easy as sending out a mass tweet, and real-time Facebook status updates add a dimension of unparalleled accuracy to the chronicling of daily events. […]

Patience proves key for lonely hearts

Every now and then, an inspirational quote comes along and knocks your socks right off. Trying to find some inspiration and guidance in my life, I googled “quotes about love” and this Dr. Seuss gem popped up: “You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.” […]

Art should impact multiple generations

With November slowly approaching, the presidential election has sent the general public into a flurry of frenzied energy and constant debate. From Facebook statuses to Twitter updates, the entire country is spilling their thoughts onto the world wide web for all to see. And with every election, the political climate changes and citizens find a […]