Tag Archive for: graduation

Playing on senior day a privilege, not a right

As an outgoing senior, I’m often overcome by nostalgia these days. In the next two months, I will experience a bevy of “lasts” at USC — my last bike ride down Trousdale Parkway in the wholly unnecessary bike lanes, my last chicken-chipotle panini at Popovich Cafe and my last signature on a Monday 9 a.m. […]

Senate votes on honors

Transfer students’ previous college grade point averages factor into graduating awards.

Interns must properly navigate career world

Being an office lackey isn’t as glamorous as movies would lead audiences to believe. In reality, you won’t be fetching coffee while juggling mail and miscellaneous files. You will, however, be subjected to harsh criticism of your proud work. You will have to do tasks with minimal instruction and cooperate with petty coworkers. As USC […]

Students must master good judgment skills

In a high-stakes professional situation, such as choosing an insurance company for a client or making investment decisions, there is little room for poor judgment. It is the challenge of learning judgment at school that helps us understand our limitations before we enter the business world after graduation. We can improve our capacity for good […]

Letter to the editor

Graduating seniors should rethink career-related entitlement.  Somehow, February ran away from us, midterm season is here and the mild Los Angeles winter has broken into spring. Not far ahead, graduation stares the class of 2012 in the face. Those of us planning to enter the workforce need to face the facts: We think we are […]

Career advice

Documentary filmmaker Andrew Jenks discussed the importance of finding a fulfilling career. Student Affairs hosted the event Thursday in Bovard Auditorium as part of Career Fest, a weeklong series of events focused on helping students prepare to secure jobs after graduation.