Tag Archive for: Jennifer Lawrence:

Changing wage gap starts with youth

I have always stood by the fact that I am not a feminist. While Beyoncé and Emma Watson sing and speak about how their political beliefs influence their work and the way they encourage women, I believe that they could do all those same things without labeling it “feminism.” Despite the fact that I’m a double […]

Oscars bring the best fashions to the table

Apparently, the Super Bowl is a big deal. Now, I do the parties, the cheering and eating and screaming, but, honestly, the outcome of the Super Bowl has no effect on my life whatsoever. And apparently, the NBA’s Finals are also a big deal. Again, I’m a good sport — but a good sport who […]

A film’s believability hinges on its costumes

This past weekend, I finally saw Quentin Tarantino’s latest flick, Django Unchained. And though the other moviegoers probably sat transfixed by the incredible amount of violence or horrified at the frantic use of the N-word doing the three-hour epic, I sat wondering if anyone else noticed that Jamie Foxx’s titular character was donning a pair […]