Tag Archive for: Medrano

Students must keep green momentum going

The refrain that USC isn’t the most environmentally friendly campus has been beaten to death. Our facilities are not swathed in solar paneling and we don’t have wind turbines powering our dining hall kitchens. But there has been a respectable amount of progress in sustainability at USC in the last year. The Leadership in Energy […]

Earth Week is a chance to learn and have fun

Earth Week was fun when I was in elementary school. Each year, my class would bake cookies in solar-powered ovens or trek to some local park, where teachers would cheer on either Team Stratosphere or Team Thermosphere as they raced to collect the most trash. I recall testing the pH of nearby rivers and, after […]

Drilling proposal must make safety a priority

April of last year was shaping up to be just another normal month. The weather was warming up. We were preparing for finals. Larry King had just left his seventh wife. And suddenly, there was that really big oil spill, the one that killed 11 workers, thousands of friendly sea creatures and potentially one million […]

Sustainable curriculum is a must

USC often gets flak for not being among the most environmentally-friendly institutions. But what people don’t seem to notice is the university’s capacity to effect environmental change in the realm students and faculty come from all over the world to benefit from in the first place — education. The Education and Environment Initiative, which pioneered […]