Tag Archive for: privacy

Facebook’s ‘Nearby Friends’ undermines online privacy

Privacy has become a thing of the past with the onset of social media. With every tweet, Instagram post and Facebook check-in, we invite fellow social media users to know more about our lives. But even with the multitude of social media features, there must be limits.   Such limits were crossed Monday when Facebook […]

Should children be subjected to the same TSA rules?

The Transportation Security Agency must reform its security policy in order to improve the experience.  The lack of prudent screening policies in place at airports is perhaps one of the biggest flaws with modern American airline travel. Apart from security procedures being obtrusive and intimidating, multiple tests have  found them to be ineffective and incapable […]

Increased surveillance sign of extreme paranoia

In Oakland, Calif., big brother is watching. Police officers in certain cities around the country are now allowed to wear video cameras the size of pagers on their chests. It seems like a good enough idea; police actions with the public will be subject to monitoring, and evidence can now be provided in the utmost […]