Tag Archive for: program board

Balloon man

Ben Gordon, a junior majoring in business administration, creates a balloon animal as part of Cirque de ’SC in front of Tommy Trojan. The event, held on Wednesday, was sponsored by USC Program Board, included carnival games and 21 Choices Circus Animal Cracker flavored frozen yogurt and hot dogs on a stick.

Signature piece

Street artist Shepard Fairey autographs an Andre the Giant poster, for which he became famous after pasting posters of the image around the world. Program Board and USC Spectrum hosted “Revolution with Shepard Fairey” Wednesday night in the campus center.

Skull and Dagger pranks need to have limits

Depending on who you ask, last Wednesday’s Skull and Dagger prank was either hilarious or mean-spirited and tasteless. According to a Daily Trojan online poll, students are essentially divided over whether the prank was upsetting or commendable — 35 percent of voters thought the prank was great, and 17 percent disapprove. A Facebook event created […]

Springfest, Relay need to coordinate dates

Springfest is what brings us together. It is that glorious time of year when every non-Californian USC student can pretend he is on The O.C. assuming the show was ever edgy enough to land a performer like T-Pain. The annual attraction is eagerly awaited by students because of the food, comraderie and performances. Unless, of […]

Ring leader

Best-selling hip-hop recording artist T-Pain impressed crowds as the headlining act of Saturday’s Springfest, which was sponsored by Program Board. Many said his dancing was the most remarkable part of his nearly hour-long performance, which included renditions of his  collaborations with other artists and original material. – Candice Harbour | Daily Trojan