Tag Archive for: racism

It’s time to transform the inner city

In his seminal 1965 report “The Negro Family: The Case for National Action,” politician Daniel Patrick Moynihan opened with the words, “The United States is approaching a new crisis in race relations.” He couldn’t have been more right then, and he’s just as right now. Moynihan argued that while the defeats of slavery and segregation […]

Focus on ignorance, not just racism

It’s not uncommon in 2013 to hear a media outlet of some sort calling on Americans for a “frank and honest discussion about race.” Quite honestly, a large proportion of articles I’ve read that document racial and cultural tensions seem to conclude with an anecdote about how Americans need to talk about race in order […]

Letter to the editor

In regard to Pi Kappa Phi’s “Phi-esta” Fellow Trojans, On behalf of the brothers of Pi Kappa Phi fraternity, I would like to apologize for the insensitive statements made on the Facebook event description for our “Phiesta.” We recognize that these statements were offensive and we want to take full accountability for the insensitivity of […]

Letter to the editor

In regard to Pi Kappa Phi’s “Phi-esta” I am proud of who I am. I am Catholic, liberal and sometimes a little outspoken. This is one of those times. I am a Trojan through and through, but first, I am a woman of Mexican-American descent. A couple weeks ago, the students of the Duke Asian […]