Tag Archive for: religion

New Swedish religion gets file-sharing right

In America, sharing files is a criminal act. In Sweden, the practice is now a religious experience. Last month, Sweden officially recognized The Missionary Church of Kopimism. The religion sees all information as sacred; thus, file-sharing is a holy act. The founder, Isak Gerson, hopes Kopimism’s followers will one day have the freedom to transmit […]

The term interfaith overlooks key religions

Partially in response to President Barack Obama’s challenge issued in March to bridge religious divides and build understanding while giving university students a chance to participate in community service projects, USC hosted an interfaith memorial on Sept. 11, commemorating the 10th anniversary of that fateful day. Calling the event “interfaith,” though, doesn’t really say anything […]

Letters to the editor

Response to Jordan Lee   Jordan Lee, in her recent Daily Trojan column “Science and faith are not exclusive” (4/13/11), contributes to what she describes as “the false dilemma — faith in religion or faith in science.” She quotes a recent speaker, Dr. Peter Atkins, as saying that “a scientist who believes in God is […]