Tag Archive for: republican

Media fails to bring credible sources to discussion on Islam

Islam has been the subject of recent debate, and even Hollywood heavyweights have started to partake in the discussion. Last Friday, Gone Girl star Ben Affleck appeared on Real Time with Bill Maher alongside author Sam Harris, The New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof and politician and MSNBC political analyst Michael Steele, during which Affleck […]

Soundboard: California Governor Elections

In the video above, USC students were asked on Thursday about the upcoming gubernatorial race between Democratic incumbent mayor Jerry Brown and Republican challenger Neel Kashkari. In a recent poll by the Los Angeles Times and the Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences, results revealed a high amount of political support for Brown while many were unable […]

Republicans need to revise message

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal took an unconventional route to rebutting last week’s inaugural address by President Barack Obama when he called his very own Republican Party “the stupid party.” In a speech given at the Republican National Committee Winter Meeting in Charlotte, N.C. on Thursday, Jindal outlined a seven-part plan for the Republican Party moving […]

Defense nominee’s apology should be accepted by all

Chuck Hagel’s nomination for secretary of defense has drawn a lot of ire for many reasons, but one criticism that should be discarded is in regard to a past comment with clear anti-gay sentiments. His recent apology aside, continued focus on the comment not only detracts from serious debate of Hagel’s qualifications for the position […]

Students must continue Ron Paul’s ideas

Many people, Democrats and Republicans alike, dismiss Texas Rep. Ron Paul as a crazy old man whose support for the sale of unpasteurized milk and call for a return to the gold standard render him and his ideas unworthy of serious consideration. But luckily, an increasing number of young people have looked past this flippant […]

Point/Counterpoint: Hurricane Sandy and Election 2012

Elena Kadvany: Point In 1972, the political term “October surprise” was coined. Twelve days before the presidential election between former president Richard Nixon and then-Sen. George McGovern, then-National Security Adviser Henry Kissinger announced that “peace was at hand” in Vietnam, changing the game on a crucial election issue that might have swayed many voters’ decisions […]