Tag Archive for: Ryan Gosling

Buzzfeed dilutes serious journalism

The saying goes that if you do something 21 times, it will become a habit. With that in mind, something this semester that has been more ingrained into my life as, embarrassingly enough, attending all of my classes. That was my New Year’s resolution and I’m happy to say that my goal to increase my […]

A film’s believability hinges on its costumes

This past weekend, I finally saw Quentin Tarantino’s latest flick, Django Unchained. And though the other moviegoers probably sat transfixed by the incredible amount of violence or horrified at the frantic use of the N-word doing the three-hour epic, I sat wondering if anyone else noticed that Jamie Foxx’s titular character was donning a pair […]

Action films sweep viewers away with tantalizing scenes

Dad won’t see a romantic comedy, Mom refuses to watch a Jackass-inspired flick and the teenager won’t sit still for a mystery film. What is the nuclear family to do? Many this weekend will compromise with Drive, the new action flick starring Ryan Gosling as a stunt driver who earns pocket money through crime. The […]

Looking beyond the summer blockbusters

Summer’s starting early this year. In Hollywood, at least, summer begins with the release of the first big blockbuster hopeful. Thor, due May 6, will be followed by countless other “event” movies, big-budget action flicks and a record number of sequels. The summer box office will no doubt be dominated by the likes of the […]

Oscar contenders are predictable choices

Out of all the award shows in existence, the Oscars is probably the most anticipated. Yet the announcement of the 83rd annual Academy Award nominations last week came about just as critics predicted, with only a few, not very notable exceptions. Winter’s Bone filled what some saw as the wild card slot in the 10-film […]