Tag Archive for: Science

Modern science tries to grow meat

Meat has always been a straightforward means of sustenance. In fact, little has changed since those good ol’ caveman days, when crude-but-effective spears fashioned out of nothing more than a sturdy hardwood log and sharpened flint were used to bring down buffalo, goat or other animals of choice. Nowadays, we raise the animals in sheds. […]

Animal testing one of many options

Although the idea of consuming animals for gustatory pleasure disgusts many of us, including non-vegetarians, most have grown up eating meat, conditioned to ignore the fact that between those two buns lies a sizzling chunk of cow corpse. Invasive biomedical animal research, however, is not something we witness or participate in daily, so it’s a […]

Scientific pursuits should not be feared

When I was little, I dribbled a fistful of soil into my mouth out of curiosity about its flavor. The yearning to learn the characteristics of our world is widespread. To some, the compulsion manifests itself in odd ways, but seekers of truth are a common species, curious always about everything: the origins of the […]