Tag Archive for: small wonder

Journalism still has a place for narrative

If we believe the press, which impending obsolescence has converted into a bunch of nostalgic cultural critics bemoaning the way things are, then storytelling is in a bad way. The long-form narrative is out, the 140-character Tweet is in. Permit me to download — in small, snack-sized chunks — a few examples from recent columns. […]

Vegetarians, meat-eaters spar at event

Each time we take a bite out of a store-bought (oftentimes hormone-pumped) chicken leg, we are making — consciously or not — an ethical choice. To eat meat, or not to eat meat — that is now a valid ethical question. Last Friday at Ground Zero Performance Café (unbearably hip, as always), the USC Levan […]

Fox News doesn’t warrant witch hunt

Over the past week, White House representatives have really been taking pains to make sure we know all about the war. Not the war in Afghanistan, of course, or the situation in Iraq. Those can wait. No, I mean the other war the Obama administration is fighting: the war against Fox News. Because, obviously, that’s […]

Will people pay for what was free?

Every Thursday afternoon, I return home from a mentally taxing hour-plus of political philosophy (Marx, anyone?), cozy up in my bed with my laptop, click on my bookmarked link to Hulu and watch the most recent episode of Glee. With this routine, I can get through even the darkest of weeks. Glee, no doubt the […]

Colloquialism slams language

Cheney slams Obama. Jon slams Kate. Chavez slams Israel. Karzai slams NATO. Amazon slams Google. Sony slams Apple. If we were to take this spate of recent headlines at face value, boy, what a barbarous culture we would look like — what with people slamming people slamming organizations slamming countries slamming people. It seems we’re […]

After three years, space politicization continues

Rare is a thing so unknowable as to provide infinite wonder. In a simpler age, the night sky might have been such a thing. It sure isn’t now. Last Monday marked the three-year anniversary of one of the saddest days in recent memory: Pluto’s demotion to dwarf-planet status. Years of watching Ms. Frizzle and her […]