Tag Archive for: technology

Not all classroom technology is equal

The reformation of American education usually comes with technological changes. Educational institutions search for ways to use technology to effectively improve teaching and learning. Although the efforts are well-intentioned, how much technology is truly necessary? Some professors allow laptops as an option for note-taking — giving students the chance to use them for social networking […]

Technology helps boost fitness, sexual health

Many health experts decry technology for encouraging a sedentary lifestyle. The phrase “couch potato” comes to mind. But when used properly, technology can help people stay on top of their health. Public health experts need to start using technology as a tool to help people be healthier, and people need to start using the resources […]

Steve Jobs, the modern American hero

Every generation has its heroes. These figures all have critics, but people in almost every demographic category revere them. Their importance shapes our culture. What about this generation, though? Our hero is more difficult to find. We could look to politics, but even President Barack Obama, who conducted one of the most inspiring campaigns in […]

Lecture on technology to be held tomorrow by Annenberg, Marshall

The effects of technology are widespread in today’s day and age.  By impacting the media and countless industries, technology now holds the ultimate power over us all.  Tomorrow, April 14, Harvard Business School Professor Anita Elberse will be analyzing and discussing this matter with USC Annenberg Dean Ernest J. Wilson III and Professor Christopher Holmes Smith. The […]

Digital not always the best choice in the end

This past week the bibliophile in me took a bit of a hit. Borders, one of the largest bookstore chains in the country, filed Chapter 11 bankruptcy and announced it will be closing around 30 percent of its stores. Having spent much of my youth inside stores like Borders, this was not pleasant news. How […]