Novel’s brutal themes lost in film’s translation

There exists an ongoing and seemingly endless verbal war between bookworms and film geeks since the first instance that The Dreaded Question was uttered. Historians remain unsure as to whether the question spilt first from the lips of a literature aficionado or a cinematic connoisseur; however, they agree that an unknown individual turned to his […]

8 reasons to wake up earlier, or 8 reasons to smother yourself with a pillow?

Did you know you should be waking up earlier? According to, there are actually no more and no less than eight reasons why you should be irritating your roommates before ten o’clock. And you know it’s true because this is the same website reminding us with a feature story on “fripples” (frozen nipples). And […]

Welcome to the new, improved

It seems that navigating news on the Internet is harder than ever. Blogs, aggregators and Tweets complement the slew of traditional sources, but the choice can breed confusion. To help our own readers steer through the clamor, and to better serve an audience whose online habits have shifted dramatically in recent years, the Daily Trojan […]