IFC, PHC create two phase plan

The Panhellenic and Interfraternity councils devised a two-phase action plan Tuesday night to address the recent issues within the Greek community.

Pat Lauer, the president of IFC, said IFC and PHC created the plan to educate individual chapter members about the severity and ramifications of  their actions.

The plan was created at a meeting held in response to the obscene email that spread virally after being sent on the Kappa Sigma listserv and the photos that surfaced Saturday of a Kappa Sigma member appearing to have sex on the roof of Waite Phillips Hall.

In the short term, IFC and PHC have decided to work with the Women’s Student Assembly and Center for Women and Men to plan initiatives for the rest of the semester. The councils are also requiring 50 percent of each chapter’s members to attend Take Back the Night, an event that raises awareness of domestic violence issues.

“This is something we hope to take a huge part of, not only this year, but in the coming years,” Lauer wrote in an email. “We are excited to work with these organizations because we feel that these partnerships can go a long way in educating our individual members in how to best incorporate themselves into the greater university community.”

Long term, IFC and PHC plan to use social media to educate new members about the “importance of maintaining positive social images.”

The councils will also aim to better hold individuals accountable for their actions and to impress upon members the effects of their decisions.

6 replies
  1. JoAnne Ray
    JoAnne Ray says:

    This approach is absolutely useless. USC ought to shutdown Kappa Sigma and turn the fraternity house into a rape crisis counseling center and a shelter for battered women. What an embarrassment to the Trojan family this fraternity is.

      • tom
        tom says:

        Who’s bigoted? The greek-haters who see conspiracy-theories everywhere? The activist TAs who take their students hostage in discussion sections and single out kappa sig based on anonymous internet posts, and without due process or any respect for the principle “innocent until proven guilty”? The people who promote a “dialogue” only to silence anyone who disagrees with them, based on the fact that “straight white males can’t understand anyways”?

        It strikes me that the white knights who place themselves on pedestals they have created for themselves, and who claim a higher moral ground, are the first ones to stomp others’ civil rights and to behave in aggressive, utterly disrespectful ways.

        The only thing that makes me feel good about this whole greek-hate movement is that most people seem to understand that this is only fueled by a minority of grad-student activist-haters from a minority of departments.

  2. CM
    CM says:

    > IFC and PHC plan to use social media to educate new members about the “importance of maintaining positive social images.”

    +1 missing the point. -1 for actually addressing the situation. Even if there’s nothing they can do to discipline the fraternity, the councils could avoid making statements that imply they are just trying to cover up future incidents.

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