SONG OF THE WEEK: “Grow Ocean” — Fleet Foxes  Streaming at Pitchfork.com Seattle’s Fleet Foxes has shut itself in the studio for several long  months, following the success of its self-titled LP. Now, the neo-folk quintet is back with “Grow Ocean,” the first single from its forthcoming sophomore album, Helplessness Blues. At once thunderous […]

BPA levels in canned food should make students reconsider

Cliché or not, eating food from dusty metal cans and assorted plastic containers is as endemic to college life as hangovers and cram sessions. The typical convenience-based, borderline-desperate college diet can be summed up by images of microwave-nuked Chef Boyardee and little cans of Vienna sausage. Many of these metal-can or plastic-packaged foods, however, come […]

Letter to the editor

Fixing “Take Back the Night”   As a junior at USC, I have been around three years of the Women’s Student Assembly and the Center for Women and Men’s admirable, weeklong effort designed to raise awareness about sexual violence. As a brother of a beautiful sister, son of a beautiful mother, a friend of many […]

Springfest, Relay need to coordinate dates

Springfest is what brings us together. It is that glorious time of year when every non-Californian USC student can pretend he is on The O.C. assuming the show was ever edgy enough to land a performer like T-Pain. The annual attraction is eagerly awaited by students because of the food, comraderie and performances. Unless, of […]