EVK changes for the better

Over winter break, there were many changes at USC. Security measures were drastically altered; a new health center was opened next to the Lyon Center; new professors were added to the faculty, and more. Though less monumental in scale, smaller changes have not gone unnoticed. Everybody’s Kitchen, better known simply as EVK to those with meal plans, has taken up a few new procedures that make the student dining experience a bit more pleasant.

Perhaps the most noticeable change is the addition of music to the dining hall. In the late afternoons and evenings, EVK now plays music over the PA system. Though this may seem like an insignificant addition, the presence of music has transformed the atmosphere at EVK. Now, groups of diners always have something from which to base a conversation, and those sitting alone have music to accompany their thoughts.

The food, however, is the most significant improvement. Since winter break, many new menu items have been introduced, replacing old dishes. For example, the sandwich line has received a makeover. Previously, one would have to dictate to a kitchen employee what he or she wanted on a sandwich and then wait while it is arranged. But now, after a few experiential attempts last semester, the make-it-yourself style sandwich line seems like it is here to stay. The Grill also offers different dinner themes than were previously available. These simple changes to the menu break the monotony of eating at the same dining hall every day.

It also seems that the kitchen staff are experimenting with a newfound sense of humor. This Monday, the sign above a dish of ribs (which normally would have read “Ribs”) instead read, “EVKitty,” which, for those not associated with the dining hall, is the endearing name of the cat that hangs around the outdoor patio. Not to worry, though – EVKitty can still be found out back begging for scraps.

Will Beaton

Freshman majoring in English and Linguistics