COUNTERPOINT: $100 million will not solve homelessness in LA

In a surprising and sweeping policy move, the Los Angeles City Council declared a state of emergency for the homeless in Los Angeles, promising to devote $100 million to finding tangible solutions to the alarmingly increasing homeless population. And while it’s easy to get swept up by the bold political promise, advocates for the homeless […]

POINT: LA’s bold new plan to support the homeless might actually work

Last Tuesday, Mayor Eric Garcetti announced a plan to introduce $100 million to remedy the growing homeless population in Los Angeles. Along with City Council members, Garcetti declared a “state of emergency” on the issue. Though many have questioned this new initiative, Garcetti’s plan targets the problem at its core, providing more affordable or free […]

COLUMN: Trojans rebound with win in Tempe

I thought USC was going to lose Saturday night. For the first time in my life as a Trojan fan, I came into a game expecting the football team to lose. No matter who the Trojans were facing off against, I have always thought USC would win. After last week’s Stanford loss, my confidence in the […]

The SoCal “poke” trend

Poke  /poʊˈkeɪ/ , the Hawaiian verb for “section” or “to slice or cut,”is a raw salad served as an appetizer in Hawaiian cuisine. Who knew poke was going to be L.A.’s next big food craze? It seems like just yesterday people were asking me what in the world “poke” was, and yet now, you can […]