Ask Tiffany: Keeping a beau in limbo

I met this amazing guy while studying abroad last year, but there was no expectation for anything serious because I’d have to go back to America. I recently saw him again during a family trip to Europe, and our feelings are still there, stronger than ever! We have an undeniable connection, but I have had bad experiences with […]

Love U: If you don’t mind me asking — Dating, post-cancer

From break ups to make ups and everything in between, “Love U” captures the nuances of college students’ relationships. “Love U” runs in DeeTs on Mondays. I was talking to Dan on Tinder. A witty back and forth. I’m good at that. We were joking about a Greek myth. “So,” he writes. “Can I ask […]

Spring selections to chill out to between midterms

If you couldn’t tell by the SoCal weather refusing to make up its mind about being hot or cold, rainy or sunny, rest assured, spring is right around the corner. Though spring is just a few weeks away, midterm season chooses to rear its ugly head to stay as an unwelcomed guest. This is winter’s […]

Two ways to spice up your everyday pasta

When it comes to college life, pasta is definitely staple food. Here are some tricks to make that easy-to-cook pasta taste even better. Make a homemade veggie sauce. Ingredients: Pasta (whichever kind you like) Vegetable oil Veggies (whichever ones you have) Tomato paste/tomato sauce Pepper Salt Parmesan cheese Process: Take out whatever veggies you have […]

Freedom in College

In some ways, college is the last time that students are given absolute freedom to explore their interests. However, far too often, we are blinded by the moment, running along like racehorses with tunnel vision just trying to make it to graduation, forgetting that college is as much about the journey as it is about […]

Top fashion role models to follow in an Instagram dominated world

Before apps such as Instagram and Twitter, there were little opportunities to enter the fashion world. As social networking sites continue to gain popularity as platforms for fashion lovers, models and designers to express their artistic skill set, the rise to fame in the fashion industry now takes a different path. Instagram has effectively altered […]