Students should heed the dangers of speed

Valerie Yu

Spring break may be just around the corner, but this week, midterms take center stage. It’s times like these that the fear of falling behind pushes some to extreme measures — sometimes in the form of Adderall, a psychoactive drug commonly prescribed to treat attention deficit disorders. It’s more often than not used as an […]

Four things to know before entering the music industry

At a very young age, I already knew one thing for sure: I wanted to be in the music industry when I grew up. Despite being an artist and playing guitar and singing my whole life, I also knew that I never really wanted to be a starving artist. I figured out very quickly that […]

Five instant foods for days when you feel like doing nothing

We all have those days when we can’t muster up the energy to cook ourselves a meal. Or the days when we’re simply tired of the repetitive options that the dining halls offer. When those times come, all we want is to crawl into bed and and eat. These five foods require minimal effort to […]