COLUMN: Trump’s address was astonishingly deceptive

Lily Vaughan

Let’s not bury the lede. President Donald Trump’s address to Congress was an embarrassing display not only of the rookie nature of our Home Depot-colored pseudo-president, but also of the vast lock-step cultishness of the Republican establishment. In their inimitable fashion, they have continued to tout anything that wasn’t a total blunder as “presidential” — […]

EDITORIAL BOARD: As tuition rises, so does student concern

On Wednesday, USC announced that tuition for the 2017-2018 academic year will rise by roughly 3.93 percent of the current total. In its press release, the University marked the tuition increase as a five-year low, while highlighting increases in the financial aid offered. “USC’s average net tuition is ranked 134th out of all private, nonprofit […]

New Zealand, New School, New Culture

I think we can all agree that nobody wants to be a freshman in college forever. Sure, it is the beginning of the most exciting experience of your life up until that point and within the first few days and weeks of school, there is the possibility that you’ve met lifelong friends. With all that […]

Sips Tea: The Power of Vulnerability

Half of me wants to spill all the tea that has been my life these past couple of weeks to you all and the other half of me wants nothing to do with other human beings right now. I’m not even sure what I wanted to talk about because lately I have been feeling so […]

USC Rain Survival Guide

Brace yourselves, SoCal residents; the apocalypse has arrived. No, it’s the not the heralded 9 point magnitude earthquake you were expecting, it’s something far, far worse: rain. But even as L.A. grinds to a halt, you don’t have to let some water falling from the sky ruin your day — or your cute outfit. Here are […]

The Genuine Freshman: Putting Yourself Out There

Last semester, I had a bit of a difficult adjustment because I could not find a club I enjoyed being a part of — I only joined two during the involvement fair. I ended up quitting both of them by the end of first semester, and I felt completely idle and lost without a group […]