Entries by Paulina Ordaz

Modern Art at MOCA Lacks Meaning

I recently visited the Museum of Contemporary Art in downtown Los Angeles and found myself, I confess, utterly baffled. The other museum-goers, dressed head-to-toe in black and clutching Moleskine notebooks, stood next to me and observed the same installations as I did, but would nod sagely and make remarks like “Crushed soda cans to critique […]

Ramadan in Marrakech

Last summer, I had the chance to visit Marrakech, Morocco. Because of my responsibilities as a student, I could only visit in June. While I was excited to explore this land filled with adventures, I was also concerned. Why worry, you ask? Other than the extreme heat that summer in the Sahara would entail, June […]

Vanity and Plastic Surgery in L.A.

Any time the song “Pumped Up Kicks” by Foster the People is on, I can’t help but add my own twist to the song: “All the other kids with the pumped up lips, better run, better run…” Who could blame me, especially living in Los Angeles? One simply has to open Instagram to see that […]

Ask Hahney: What’s the point of USG Elections?

  Dear (Hopefully) Young Reader, First, please go register to vote in your state if you haven’t yet. Beyond the USG elections, please vote for issues that directly affect your hometown, home state, federal government, etc. Political apathy does not sit pretty. Now, back to the question at hand — USG Elections. I’m going to […]

My Winter Trip to Japan

I’ve always considered myself a seasoned traveler. But I never realized, how much of a tourist I was. I went to famous places, took pictures, met fellow travelers and ate amazing food, but that was all I did. I’d never taken the time to learn about the places and cultures I encountered. That changed during […]

Monday Motivation

Where did the time go? Another week has passed by in what feels like a second. The craziness of the weekend has left me feeling tired and lazy. Not to mention my bedroom is a mess. I am a mess. I reflect on how I have not completed anything on my weekly checklist yet. Luckily, […]

Show Me the Coffee: Philz Coffee

As I continue to search for hidden, caffeinated gems, Philz Coffee emerges above the rest. This coffeehouse is truly the antithesis of typical coffee shop chains. Quality reigns above quantity, a promise that I truly admire but wanted to test for myself. If you’re in a rush for a quick cup of joe, then this […]

Eat Vegan at Sage Plant Based Bistro

As the newest member of the vegan community, I have really tried to suppress my fantasies about cheese. But sometimes you just cannot escape them. With my cheese craving building up for weeks, I had to get my hands on some vegan mac n’ cheese. Lucky for me, I stumbled upon Sage Plant Based Bistro. […]

Trojan Postcards: L.A. Beach Guide

  Los Angeles is perhaps one of the best cities to experience the quintessential endless summer in Southern California. With miles of picturesque coastline from Malibu to the South Bay, it has some of the best oceanfront getaways for beach bums. Beaches in Los Angeles are for those who enjoy sun-bathing, surfing, swimming, water skiing, […]

With a Twist: 3 Things I Learned from My Technology Cleanse

  My journalism and communications class recently assigned a project where I was not allowed to use technology for 24 hours. That’s right, a full day without my phone, laptop, TV or anything with an “on” switch. At first I thought it was impossible to live without technology for a day. In the end I […]