Entries by Valerie Yu

News: The crisis of coverage

When I was asked to be the news assignments editor for the Daily Trojan this semester, I admittedly did not know what to expect. When I had been a news writer, my main responsibility was to go an event once a week, and write about it. I just had to make sure I was at […]

Reflecting on the engrossing effects of the em-dash

What happens in your mind when you read this sentence — and you hit the dash? Did you pause? If so, how long did you pause for? I imagine it was longer that you normally would for spaces between words, and about as long as you would for a semicolon, colon or a parentheses. This […]

Midterm musicals: Power through with four pitch-perfect playlists

With midterm season now upon us, it is time to find those perfect playlists to power you through every study session, especially during that semester slump. I’m talking about those playlists that will keep you focused on problem sets and essays, the ones that will almost distract from the fact you’ve missed a week’s worth of […]

Four on-the-go snacks to keep you fueled for success

I sit down in my three-hour lab section, and, without fail, my stomach starts to grumble. The worst thing about having back-to-back classes isn’t, as I thought, speed-walking frantically from Kaprelian to VKC in 10 minutes while dodging bikers and skateboarders. It’s the non-stop chit chat from my stomach when the clock strikes 6 p.m. […]

How to get your red velvet fix in the City of Angels

I don’t know about you, but I’m an avid lover of all things red-velvet. To be honest, this dessert is just chocolate cake dyed red. But I truly believe that redder is better. From waffles to pancakes to cupcakes, red velvet is here to stay. Here are four places in the great city of Los […]

Ask Tiffany: The value of mental health

Dear Tiffany, I’m a new student and I’m far from home. I feel depressed, isolated and hopeless right now. Who do I talk to, because my anxiety is out of control and I don’t want to talk to my advisor because I do not want them to look down on me. My thought process is […]

Just cry: Your ultimate sad song playlist

Have you ever woken up feeling uneasy and empty? Or maybe you’ve had one of those days where nothing goes your way? Maybe you’ve just gone through a devastating break-up or just flunked that super tough midterm. Maybe you’re feeling homesick. Whatever it is, we all have had our fair share of bad days. While […]

Pope Francis’ rock album will awaken many

We all know that Pope Francis, the leader of the Catholic Church, is beloved by scores of religious, and even secular, people around the world. His visit to the U.S. last week demonstrated that to a great extent. And, as of Nov. 27, rock fans around the world will have one more reason to love […]

Ground Zero: USC’s coffee-saving grace

Sit tight and grab a cup of coffee, Daily Trojan readers, because you are in for a long, highly requested review of one of my favorite coffee shops. Due to unfortunate circumstances in timing before my freshman year, I lived in Trojan Hall. While the Yelp reviews were not particularly enticing, I had to make […]