Seven habits of highly ineffective governors

With Gov. Schwarzenegger’s second term about to wrap up, several names have begun to surface as his possible replacement, with California Attorney General Jerry Brown and eBay CEO Meg Whitman currently leading the polls. The campaign has yet to hit its stride, but with the financial disarray that California has been stewing in, the race […]

Americans focused on the wrong hunger problem

Can you believe it’s been one year? A full 365 days! Fifty-two weeks! Two seasons of G’s to Gents! Yes, believe it or not, an entire year has passed since the great chocolate milk debacle of 2008. Last year in Barrington, Ill., the school district voted to eliminate all flavored milk products from the lunch […]

Letter to the Editor

Right of way I was excited to see the issue of pedestrian safety and traffic code infringement make front-page news on Wednesday, Nov. 18. The article exposed all sides of the issue, from the student bicyclist perspective to the student pedestrian perspective (albeit lacking some conviction), and also the perspective of DPS officials. I have […]

Bike regulation requires a more cohesive plan

Today, many student cyclists will dismount and walk their bikes through the two major intersections along Jefferson Boulevard, under the threat of a ticket. But tomorrow, they will most likely keep riding through. Today marks only the second day this semester that Los Angeles Police Department and Department of Public Safety officers have made a […]

Journalism still has a place for narrative

If we believe the press, which impending obsolescence has converted into a bunch of nostalgic cultural critics bemoaning the way things are, then storytelling is in a bad way. The long-form narrative is out, the 140-character Tweet is in. Permit me to download — in small, snack-sized chunks — a few examples from recent columns. […]

Letter to the Editor

Recognizing differences We, the USC Interfaith Council, are a group of students from many different religious backgrounds and traditions that come together weekly for interfaith dialogue and collaboration. As representatives of the rich religious diversity of our campus, we are committed to helping nurture a campus environment in which all students — of all religions […]

Letter to the Editor

Recuperation of Troy Seriously? The fall of Troy? Wow. I honestly could not help but laugh at the headline in Monday’s Daily Trojan. A three-loss season at the end of a seven-year run of unprecedented success is certainly no reason to sound the alarms and call for an end to Troy’s reign. After all, it’s […]