Why, I do have a uterus. You’re welcome.

This column is not for all readers. If you’ve ever purchased tampons that were designed to look like pieces of candy to save yourself from embarrassment, you might consider turning the page. Similarly, if you insist on referring to your own menstruation or the menstruation of someone you know as “a visit from Aunt Flo,” […]

A gay old time at movement’s expense

With speeches here and interviews there, let’s face it: All that ever sticks with us are sound bites — short, 10-second remarks that get straight to the point. In politics, there are obviously quite a few notable ones: President Barack Obama’s “We are the change we’ve been waiting for;” Richard Nixon’s “I’m not a crook;” […]

Death of Shia leader leaves party in limbo

Thousands of mourners lined the streets Saturday morning to pay their respects to Shia leader Abdul Aziz al-Hakim, who died last week from lung cancer. Although he never chose to take an active political role within the central government, his role as leader of the major Shia group the United Iraqi Alliance, his influence and […]

Swine flu less dangerous than shoddy coverage

Back when I was 10 years old, I took a nasty spill on my bike and felt a searing pain in my arm. Now I’m not a doctor, but I correctly diagnosed myself with a broken bone; I was right back then, so I figure I’m on about the level of a licensed physician by […]

Letter to the Editor

Misinformation As a former undergraduate tour guide and current graduate tour guide, I found Lucy Mueller’s opinion piece, “A Step Forward for Tours,” from Aug. 25 to be over simplified and, in some cases, presumptuous to a point that demonstrates a lack of understanding for the job. Mueller stated that other campuses, such as Hendrix […]