Tag Archive for: supplement

Not your everyday business school

USC’s Marshall School of Business’s research efforts expand well beyond the practical application of a business education.

Taking the next step

A push for the transformation of certain departments could hold the key to USC’s ultimate goals.

USC looks to transform research in the digital age

The path to a permanent place in the ivory tower has traditionally consisted of long, solitary nights spent poring over books or data or code, looking for a pattern no one else has spotted before, hoping — maybe even praying — that the days, weeks and months of painstaking research will culminate in publication in […]

Looking forward by looking back

You can’t blame USC for looking forward. Our university is still rising in stature at a breakneck pace. In two decades we have begun to transition from a commuter to a residential school, seen our admission rate plummet by 46 percent and leapfrogged over our crosstown rival in the U.S. News & Word Report rankings, […]

The changing face of Figueroa

As the area south of Downtown Los Angeles crumbled throughout the 1990s, a partnership emerged to turn things around.